Trips And Excursions

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What is better than an on-site experience? Study tours are organized by the school to give the students hands on experience of things – be it Research Lab, Infosys, Museums, Parks or Thrills – the students get their best exposure to learning through study-tours.

The school conducts field trips for the students of all classes, as knowledge is enhanced with visual stimulation and a real time experience is a bigger and better teacher than a classroom experience. The teachers also conduct various activities like debate, quiz etc to reiterate what the student has learnt from the field trip.

These are ways of learning by fun. Coming together is a big learning process .These trips are so arranged that they cover a particular aspect of the curriculum and provides a great relaxation to the students who face the outside world and learn teamwork, and co-operation.the new aspects are learned better because it is both visual and audio.


“Charity begins at home” they say and the more we do for others, the more we get. Kautilya Vidyalaya is proud to say that it does its bit for the society. Whether it is contributing uniforms or Library books to orphanage or helping the elderly feel special, with an innovative idea like ‘Adopt a Grand Parent’.